Vorza Design and after...
'Designing with our heads in the clouds but with our feet on the ground.' That is our mission statement. Shape is just as leading as the final goal because after all that is what it is all about. We believe that building a relation of understanding the needs and wishes of our clients is the way to go. If you think so too beautifull things can happen.
Vorza - Creative Projects in a nutshell
Digital platforms like websites or digital interfaces.
Graphic design like brochures, advertising, folders.
Large format printing on canvas, foil, paper, banner.
Signing, a logo, text on your building or wherever.
Stand and Booth design, creation and realization.
Special projects. Displays, eyecatchers, mockups.
Trade fairs, exhibitions, finding your audience is not always easy. But it is possible that your client is looking for you, and you are looking for him. One of the sites of such fateful meetings is a exhibition. But taking part is always quite an undertaking even for the more experienced exhibitors. We have years of experience in this field and with a creative office in The Netherlands and a production facility in Germany we combine Dutch Design with German Grundligheid.
Sure we can put a positive text here 'written by a satisfied customer'. But we take our clients and visitors to serious and don't expect you would fall for a cheap trick like that. However we gladly show you an idea of the wide playingfield we are in and some nice logo's of clients we work for never hurt anyone.